Our Projects

Shark Creek Monitoring

Cool Burn are experienced in environmental monitoring and preparing reports for conservation sites across NSW, including biodiversity stewardship sites and voluntary conservation areas. Site monitoring requires an awareness of the suitable management activities such as pest and weed control, erosion control, fences, access and fire trails, and managing fire for conservation, habitat, and natural ecosystem values.

Tyndale conservation area is a 260ha biodiversity protection site located on the Shark Creek wetlands, Northern NSW. The site has abundant wetlands, swamp forests, and lowland forests that provide valuable habitat and supports many threatened species including Jabiru, Brolga, coastal Emu population, and Koala. The invasion of pests (wild pigs, cattle, and wild dogs) and weeds (Lantana and Salvinnia) pose significant pressure on conservation values.

On an annual schedule since 2016, Cool Burn has managed and supervised the site management activities, consulted with local and regional stakeholders (LLS), monitored the site values, and provided detailed reports to the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT).

The management activities and monitoring have demonstrated successful pest and weed management in accordance with the conservation agreement requirements.