Ancient technology.
Futuristic outcomes.

Bushfire Planning +
Environmental Consultancy

Cool Burn Fire and Ecology is a bushfire planning and environmental consultancy

We specialise in planning and providing assessments for the best environmental and land use outcomes in bushfire prone areas

There is a better way to manage the environment

Understanding the natural elements, changing climate, seasonal variations, and fire cycles will benefit our community, protecting property while maintaining sustainable ecosystems.

Our Services

Bushfire Planning and Design
BAL Certificates for Residential Developments
Environmental Monitoring
Landscape Management
Post Bushfire Recovery
Training and Assessment
Support Cultural Burning Programs

Why do we do it?

We are passionate about the cyclical use of managed fire or prescribed burning as a tool for natural ecosystem management, community connection and asset protection.


Cool Burn have partnered with Taree Indigenous Development and Employment (TIDE) Ltd. in project planning and delivery since 2017, providing training and career development for the Mid North Coast Aboriginal Rangers in ecology assessment and prescribed burn planning.