Our Projects

Protecting the Regent Honey-eater in the Hunter Region

Cool Burn have planned and delivered low intensity prescribed fires to environmental conservation sites in the Hunter and Manning regions, NSW. These fires are conducted under specified conditions and seasons with the aim to improve habitat for endangered species, re-introduce a burning regime to long unburnt properties, and reduce the potential impacts of wildfire. All burning is planned in consultation with local indigenous community.

The Regent Honey-eater is listed as critically endangered and there are few locations where known breeding habitat is protected. The 2019/2020 bushfires highlighted risks associated with bushfire impacts to critical habitat. Overseen by the landowner, Birdlife Australia, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust and Hunter Local Land Services, and in consultation with the Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council, a long-term fire management plan was drafted to manage and protect habitat for this species.

A mosaic of small, low intensity ‘cool burns’ is conducted annually across the conservation site with Indigenous community participation. Continued monitoring provides scientific evidence to support the use of prescribed fire.