Our Projects

LLS Curricabark Study

Cool Burn have been engaged by NSW Hunter Local Land Services (LLS) to prepare a prescribed burn plan and scientific study for a planned cultural burn on high country rural land in the MidCoast area of NSW.

This project aims to collect scientific landscape data to support the theory that managed burning techniques conducted by First Nations people enhances ecological function in grassy woodlands.

The project involves planning and approval for a safe, low intensity and culturally informed burn. This burn will be conducted by First Nations fire practitioners and provides training for Aboriginal Land and Sea Rangers, supporting new and valuable jobs in sustainable land management.

Cool Burn will also collect data using a standard scientific experimental design to monitor floristic biodiversity, woodland structure (regrowth), biomass and fuel loads, and habitat values (e.g. fallen timber).

This long-term monitoring project includes 3 sample sites:

  • Cultural burn site
  • Manual seeding site
  • Control site