Our Services

Landscape Management

Environmentally sustainable development and bushfire protection involves management of landscape functions and life cycles.

Coolburn delivers landscape management works for environmental conservation sites and development projects.

Coolburn offers Landscape Management including

  • Prescribed burn planning and conduct
  • Weed management and weed control projects
  • Ecologist supervision for vegetation clearing projects 
  • Nest box installation and habitat creation
  • Fire trail and control line maintenance

Coolburn has over 20 years experience in developing land management plans and delivering the recommended actions. Actions include weed control, fire trail maintenance, asset protection zone management, prescribed burns for managing fuel loads and ecosystem functions, supervision of vegetation clearing and habitat augmentation (nest box install).

What we offer

At Cool Burn, we provide:


An open and clear communication style confirms project context, scope, and outcomes.​ We are committed to service delivery, results, quality, and future-focused long-term sustainable outcomes.


Working collaboratively with our clients and community, we research, survey, identify and justify acceptable environmental and bushfire solutions.


Land management, training, and site monitoring works to deliver and validate targeted long-term sustainable outcomes.