Our Services

Environmental Assessment

The impact of construction and development on our environment are inevitable and face increased challenges in the changing global climate.

Development planning requires environmental approvals and monitoring. Cool Burn’s practices minimise and reduce environmental impacts through understanding landscape functions, careful planning and innovative design.

Cool Burn offers environmental works for

  • Project ecologist for supervision and compliance
  • Post bushfire recovery and response programs
  • Bushfire protection impact assessments (asset protection zone clearing)
  • Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for prescribed burns 
  • Habitat offset monitoring (nest box monitoring) 
  • Remote camera fauna monitoring

Cool Burn has a broad and extended experience in ecological assessment and monitoring services, supporting and assessing a wide range of development and environmental approvals.

What we offer

At Cool Burn, we provide:


An open and clear communication style confirms project context, scope, and outcomes.​ We are committed to service delivery, results, quality, and future-focused long-term sustainable outcomes.


Working collaboratively with our clients and community, we research, survey, identify and justify acceptable environmental and bushfire solutions.


Land management, training, and site monitoring works to deliver and validate targeted long-term sustainable outcomes.